Contact +31 (0)252 37 50 68

In practice

For solids handling systems TBMA’s experienced team uses their application know-how, the QA system and  tailor made Factory Acceptance protocols to ensure a perfect combined match between components, hardware and software, all prior to shipment.

Prior to start-up at site, often TBMA’s service engineers are hired to supervise or check third party commisioning.

When possible, operators and local maintenance personnel can receive additional instructions using the supplied maintenance manuals.

Repairs, overhauls and spares

Expert repairs and overhauls are usually performed within TBMA’s own manufacturing facilities, using original certified parts. The repaired component is extensively checked and tested prior to returning it to site. 

For direct contact:
TBMA Service & Onderhoud
Tel: +31 (0)252 37 50 68



TBMA are specialists in the design and supply of components and systems for bulk solids handling. Our extensive range of high quality processing equipment is suitable for handling powders and granules with proven reliability in practice in a variety of processing industries. The highly qualified and experienced TBMA staff are well able to translate your requirements into the right execution and application of our components. We also offer the design and execution of complete projects, thus providing you with an efficient, reliable and sustainable solution for your process.

How can we help you?